Executive Management – Core Team

LinkedInPresident & CEO
Dr. Claude Carelli is Founder of Regulaxis. PhD in Immunochemistry, he conducted innovative research in immunology, namely in synthetic peptide vaccines before reorienting his research into endocrinology. Specifically, in immunology, he conducted research on the immunogenicity and antigenicity of synthetic peptides for infectious diseases vaccines but also for obtaining, by means of synthetic peptides mimicking endogenous physiological molecules, immune responses capable to regulate physiologically the activity of enzymes, neuropeptides or hormones. He also conducted studies on structure-activity relationships of glycopeptides such as muramyl-peptides useful as immuno adjuvants for vaccines. All these studies allowed Dr. Carelli to be among the first in providing vaccines completely obtained by chemical synthesis. In endocrinology, he studied the biological effects of original chimeric peptides interfering with the activity of growth hormone. Dr. Carelli is inventor or co-inventor of numerous patents some of which contributed to the company.

Dr. Christelle Vêtu is Cofounder of Regulaxis. PhD in human genetic and Engineer of CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers de Paris) in Life Science. 5 years at Neovacs. 10 years at CERTO (Retinopathies Association Lab). Dr. Vêtu is author of several scientific papers, co-inventor of international patents, and also co-inventor of the Regulaxis patent.

LinkedInExecutive Director Industrial Operations
Matthieu Chareyre is Pharm.D. Galenist of Paris XI Faculty of Pharmacy, Chatenay Malabry & MS of HEC Paris – Strategic Management. Former Abbott Global Pharmaceutical Operations USA – API Worldwide Sales Manager then, since 2009, is Managing Director of SoCoSur, company headquarted in France, 2013 GDP, EU importation and distribution approved and since 2011, he is Pharmaceutical Industrial Operations Manager of Zaphyr Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland, GCC export generic company.
Research and Development

LinkedInR&D Project manager
Dr. Rodrick Montjean holds a PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology from Paris Descartes University (Paris). After his PhD, as a research associate at INSERM Institutes, he has spent 8 years elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in a large spectrum of human pathologies including cognitive diseases. Dr. Montjean is the author of several scientific papers published in high-level journals.

LinkedInR&D Project Manager – East Asian operations development
Dr. Paolini Raffaello is postgraduate student in Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology at the University of Florence. Expert in multidiscipline science for the development and synthesis of bio-compound, he holds a Phd in Chemistry at the University of Cegry Pontoise in the 2019, supported by ANRT.

LinkedInStrategic Committee

Biotech Management Expert
Founder and CEO (retired) of Argene and Argene Biosoft Inc. Companies specializing in the field of diagnostic tests or also for the follow-up of certain treatments. He also managed Ariege Expansion from 2004 to 2011 and was Judge to the commercial court.

Biotech Management Expert
Founder and CEO (retired) of Clinisciences SA. CliniSciences commercialises reagents (antibodies, recombinants, ELISA kits, RNAi, cDNA clones, probes, PCR/qPCR reagents…) to diagnostic and research labs.

Biotech Management Expert
Vice President of the Board of Diaxonhit. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EUROBIO SCIENTIFIC (before DIAXONHIT), a leading french manufacturer and distributor of In Vitro Diagnostics Products with over 50 Millions € sales, 130 employees, an affiliate in USA. Previously Chairman of the Supervisory Board of InGen Biosciences after being CEO of InGen Biosciences, which was acquired by DIAXONHIT in December 2012. In March 2017, DIAXONHIT has acquired EUROBIO. Instrumental in these 2 Mergers. Since 2015 Board Member of NOVOLYZE (Dijon area) a food safety company. Since August 2016, Coach for the lauréates of the Horizon 2020 programm of the Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). In 1999, founded Hemosystem focused on rapid detection of bacteria in blood and blood products(1999-2006).

Industrial Management Expert
Former CEO of Barilla group originally established in 1877 as a bread and pasta shop in Parma, Italy, ranks as one of today’s top Italian food groups. Barilla leads in the global pasta business in the world. Riccardo is now CEO of La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana, ALMA, in Parma, Italy.

Financial Management Expert
Executive Director of Alantra France Corporate Finance. Florian has 10+ years of M&A experience in various sectors such as healthcare, transport & logistic, leisure and telecom. He has advised entrepreneurs, corporates and private equity houses on various transactions. Before joining Alantra, Florian worked for Oddo Corporate Finance and HSBC. Florian is graduated from Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) and holds a Master’s degree in Finance from HEC..
Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Zvi Laron among his numerous awards and honorifisances, obtained worldwide, has been awarded The Israel Prize (the country’s highest honor) for Medical Research 2009. Zvi Laron is now Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Tel Aviv University and Director of the Endocrinology & Diabetes Research Unit at Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel.

Professor of Endocrinology and Chief Department of Endocrinology at the University of Liège. He is the President of the Belgian Endocrine Society (1999-2001 and 2011-2013). He is also a Secretary of the European Neuro-Endocrine Association. Professor Becker is author or co-author of more than 500 in scientific journals and editor of many chapters in scientific books.

HENROTIN Yves is Professor of Pathology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation and director of the Bone and Cartilage Research Unit at the University of Liège (Belgium) www.bcru.be. He has been head of the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation department at the Princess Paola Hospital, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium, since 1991. Between 2006 -2012, he was member of the board of directors the Osteoarthritis Research Society international (OARSI), the premier organization focused on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis.
Scientific Advisory Members

SA member
Prof. Anna Maria Papini, PhD, is Professor of Biorganic Chemistry of the Italian and French universities and she got the Chaire d’Excellence of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche for the project PepKit (2009-2014). She is the coordinator of the French Italian Laboratory of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology (www.peptlab.eu) associating the Departments of Chemistry, Neurosciences & Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Florence and the SOSCO Lab. with the Platform PeptLab@UCP of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). She is cofounder of the first spin-off of the University of Florence EspiKem Srl and of the start-up Toscana Biomarkers whose mission is R&D of peptide-based diagnostics of autoimmune diseases. She got in 2009 the Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research Award in the European autoimmune disease diagnostics market & the Vespucci Award of the Regione Toscana. She was Vice Chair and Discussion Leader for the 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Peptides, Chemistry & Biology for the « Peptide Science in the Era of Synthetic Biology ». Professor Papini is member of the Executive Committee of the European Peptide Society.

SA member
Prof. Mahmoud Ghomi is currently a distinguished professor in physics at the University of Paris 13. He was the Director of a research unit depending on the CNRS and the Universities Paris 6 (Pierre & Marie Curie). He is co-author of more than 100 research papers and book chapters, and editor of the book on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Biology (IOS Press, 2012).

SA member
Head of the Department of NUCLEAR, VIBRATIONAL AND DISORDERED MEDIA SPECTROSCOPY at the Institute of Structure of the Matter. CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spanish National Research Center). Gold Medal of the Faculty of Sciences of P.J. Safarik University of Kosice (Slovakia), in November 2008. President of the Spanish Spectroscopy Committee (2008-2012). Dr. Sanchez Cortés is member of the Scientific Editorial Board of the Vibrational Spectroscopy journal (2004-). He is author or co-author of more than 150 scientific articles and author of many chapters in scientific books.

SA member
Dr. Gila Maor, D. Sc., Doctor Maor holds a position as Associate senior lecturer at the Technion Faculty of Medecine. She has published over 50 articles in leading scientific journals. The main area of research of Dr. Maor is the regulation of skeletal growth by endocrine factors. In particular, she study the effects in skeletal growth of growth factors such as IGF-1 and IGF-1 receptor and the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes. Doctor Maor is also founder and CTO of CartiCure Ltd. supported by the NGT High-Tech Incubator in Nazareth, Israel.