A new hope for OsteoArthritic patients


Awarding a European prize is equivalent to a validation of the Technology readiness level (TRL) of the project by an independent body (EASME).

2017 H2020 SME INSTRUMENT phase-2 Topic :SMEInst-03-2017. European commission


2015 H2020 SME INSTRUMENT phase-1 Topic : BIOTEC-5a2015. European commission


2015 17th i-Lab “Créadev” BPI France


2013 15th “émergence” OSEO/BPI


2013 – Innovation Days One of 15 finalists “Innovation Prize” Universal Biotech.

Contact Info

Parc scientifique Biocitech
102 Avenue Gaston Roussel
Batiment Pasteur Secteur 2169
93230 Romainville - France

56 Boulevard de la Mission Marchand - 92400 Courbevoie France

Phone: +33 1 43 34 89 90

Mobile: +33 6 60 90 41 24

2014 – Regulaxis in the French Magazine “Challenges”

Regulaxis SAS is proud to announce that it has been selected by the economy newspaper Challenge in its issue of 17-23 April 2014 for the 2014 edition of its record of 100 French start-ups in which it is advisable to invest.

April 18th, 2014|0 Comments

2013 – Paris, France – REGULAXIS at The Universal Biotech Innovation Prize

The Universal Biotech Innovation Prize is open to Small and Medium Enterprises from Europe and China and to academics researchers on preventive and curative therapies, medical devices, technological tools.
Regulaxis project finished 15th on 81 companies  from 16 european countries at the the Universal Biotech Innovation Prize.

October 7th, 2013|0 Comments

2013 – Bobigny, France – REGULAXIS SAS is officially incorporated as a French company based in BIOCITECH, Romainville, France.

Regulaxis is officially incorporated as a French company based at Biocitech life science park and hire its first employee.

September 11th, 2013|0 Comments

2013 – REGULAXIS awarded in emergeance category at the French Research Minister “Concours national”

Regulaxis won a prize of the “15eme concours national d’aide à la création d’entreprises de technologies innovantes” organize by the French Research Ministery in emergeance category.
The money prize is 20.000€ and participate to the launch of the company.
On the 175 winners this year only 3 were coming from biotech companies proposing the development of […]

July 2nd, 2013|0 Comments

2012 – Bondy, France – REGULAXIS SAS at the start-up incubator Bond’innov

Regulaxis project is incubated at Bond’innov to launch this new story in the best way.
Bond’innov is the first incubator in Seine-Saint-Denis aera, which is located in IRD campus of Bondy www.ird.fr.

April 1st, 2012|0 Comments