A new hope for OsteoArthritic patients


Awarding a European prize is equivalent to a validation of the Technology readiness level (TRL) of the project by an independent body (EASME).

2017 H2020 SME INSTRUMENT phase-2 Topic :SMEInst-03-2017. European commission


2015 H2020 SME INSTRUMENT phase-1 Topic : BIOTEC-5a2015. European commission


2015 17th i-Lab “Créadev” BPI France


2013 15th “émergence” OSEO/BPI


2013 – Innovation Days One of 15 finalists “Innovation Prize” Universal Biotech.

Contact Info

Parc scientifique Biocitech
102 Avenue Gaston Roussel
Batiment Pasteur Secteur 2169
93230 Romainville - France

56 Boulevard de la Mission Marchand - 92400 Courbevoie France

Phone: +33 1 43 34 89 90

Mobile: +33 6 60 90 41 24

1 06, 2021

A new hope for OsteoArthritic patients

June 1st, 2021|0 Comments

17 10, 2014

REGULAXIS – Un nouveau traitement de l’arthrose (by Fundme)

October 17th, 2014|0 Comments

Startup sélectionnée par Challenges dans les “100 startups ou investir 2014”